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  █▌                       -   CHMOD QUICK REFERENCE  -                      █▌
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 █ chmod script by                                         ▐▌

user group other
█ When you view a list of contents, for example doing 'ls -al', next to each ▐▌ █ item it will state the type and permissions; the attributes. This is ▐▌ █ stated by characters such as: drwxr-xr-x. The meaning of each character is:▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ 7 = rwx = read, write, and execute (full perms) ▐▌ █ 6 = rw = read and write ▐▌ █ 5 = rx = read and execute ▐▌ █ 4 = r = read only ▐▌ █ 3 = wx = write and execute ▐▌ █ 2 = w = write only ▐▌ █ 1 = x = execute only ▐▌ █ 0 = - = remove all other permissions ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ File/Directory ▐▌ █ ↑ ▐▌ █ |read User User ▐▌ █ |↑write User ↑Group ▐▌ █ ||execute User |↑Other ▐▌ █ |||↑ ↓↓ ▐▌ █ ||||read Group chmod 777 = all have rwx perms = ▐▌ █ ||||↑write Group -rwxrwxrwx ▐▌ █ |||||↑execute Group ▐▌ █ ||||||↑ ▐▌ █ |||||||read Other ▐▌ █ |||||||↑write Other ▐▌ █ ||||||||↑execute Other ▐▌ █ ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↕ ▐▌ █ -rwxrwxrwx ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ ATTRIBUTES - SOME DETAILS ▐▌ █ NUMBERS: ▐▌ █ Just to point out the logic of the above assigned numbers in case you ▐▌ █ missed it, you don't need to memorize or even read this: ▐▌ █ 2=w and 1=x. 2+1=3. w+x=wx 3=wx ▐▌ █ rwx = 7 = 4+3 (r+wx), or 5+2 (rx+w), or 4+2+1 (r+w+x) ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ FIRST CHARACTER: ▐▌ █ There are always *ten characters to indicate the type and permissions, for ▐▌ █ example: -rwxr-xr-x. ▐▌ █ The FIRST character indicates type: ▐▌ █ d: directory p: named pipe ▐▌ █ -: regular file c: character (un-buffered) device file ▐▌ █ l: symbolic link b: block (buffered) device file ▐▌ █ s: socket ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ *If you are accessing your server using a FTP program for example and it ▐▌ █ only shows nine characters; the missing character is the first one. ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ NEXT NINE CHARACTERS: ▐▌ █ The next THREE/THREE/THREE characters are the permissions for each group: ▐▌ █ USER/GROUP/OTHER ▐▌ █ The basic permissions are r: read w: write x: execute (there are others ▐▌ █ such as s: setuid, -: no permission, t: sticky) ▐▌ █ For example: drwxrwxrwx (would chmod 777) full perms for all; read, write ▐▌ █ and execute: ▐▌ █ TYPE USER GROUP OTHER (aka owner, group, public) ▐▌ █ d rwx rwx rwx ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ TO WHOM THE PERMISSIONS ARE APPLIED TO: ▐▌ █ The typical three numbers in a chmod command are in order of the group ▐▌ █ it will be applied to. ▐▌ █ For example 'chmod 754'. The first number (7) is applied to USER, the ▐▌ █ second number (5) is applied to GROUP, and the third number (4) applied to ▐▌ █ OTHER. ▐▌ █ The chmod 754 would look like this for a file: ▐▌ █ -rwxr-xr-- (meaning: file/7 User/5 Group/4 Other: -/rwx/r-x/r--) ▐▌ █ So the User (owner) has full perms, the Group has read and execute and the ▐▌ █ Other has read only. ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ EXAMPLES: ▐▌ █ chmod 550 = -r-xr-x--- = User & Owner read and write, Group no perms ▐▌ █ chmod 777 = -rwxrwxrwx = All have read write and execute perms ▐▌ █ chmod 0777 = -rwxrwxrwx = All have read write and execute perms ▐▌ █ chmod 4777 = -rwxrwxrwx = 4 sets user ID (setuid), rest same ▐▌ █ chmod 2777 = -rwxrwxrwx = 2 sets group ID (setgid), rest same ▐▌ █ These can also be expressed with letters, for example: ▐▌ █ chmod ugo+x = All have execute perms added (ugo=user group other) ▐▌ █ chmod a+x = All have execute perms added (a=all) ▐▌ █ chmod ugo-x = All have execute perms subtracted (user group other) ▐▌ █ chmod +x = All have execute perms ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ To allow the web server to access a directory and provide the content ▐▌ █ published by users for example in their ~/public_html change DIR_MODE ▐▌ █ to 0751. ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ To not allow public to browse contents of a directory that doesn't contain ▐▌ █ an index.html file: chmod 711 directory ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ To recursively change execute permissions on all subdirectories in the ▐▌ █ current directory, but not the files: chmod u+X * ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ To chmod all the files in working directory, for example: chmod 755 * ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ To chmod all the files in a directory recursively, for example: ▐▌ █ chmod -R 755 directoryname/ ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ To recursively chmod all files and directories in working directory: ▐▌ █ chmod -R 711 * ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ man chmod ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ - OTHER MISC - ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ CHANGE OWNERSHIP AND GROUP: ▐▌ █ Directories and files have a UID (user ID); who owns it and a GID ▐▌ █ (group ID); which group it is in. For example: ▐▌ █ ls -l / | grep jail ▐▌ █ My output: ▐▌ █ drwxrwx--- 4 root mew 4096 Mar 4 11:04 jail ▐▌ █ ↑ ↑ ↑ ▐▌ █ owner / UID GID / group directory ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ To change ownership (chown) and group (chgrp) of a file(s) and or ▐▌ █ directory(ies) use chown and chgrp. For example change /jail and all ▐▌ █ its files and subdiretories (-R) from root root, to root mew: ▐▌ █ chown -R root /jail ; chgrp -R mew /jail ▐▌ █ Or you could: ▐▌ █ chown -R root.mew /jail ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ TO PROTECT A FILE: ▐▌ █ For example to not allow anyone, even root, to read (open), write ▐▌ █ (modify), execute, delete, move etc. a file (handy to protect files that ▐▌ █ could be removed during an upgrade or other: chattr +a myfile ▐▌ █ Only root can modify that setting by removing chattr +a first. ▐▌ █ To list attributes for chattr: lsattr myfile ▐▌ █ To remove an 'a' attribute: chattr -a myfile ▐▌ █ Or if lsattr replied with an 'i' then -i. The i attribute is immutable- no ▐▌ █ append ability. ▐▌ █ HERE is more about chattr and man chattr ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ //---------------------------------------------------------------------- ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ If you find mistakes, have suggestions, and or questions please post at ▐▌ █ mewbies forum HERE - thank you. ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ Last update on 06 Dec '13 ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █▌ █▌ █▌ - - █▌ █▌ █▌ ██▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄██