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   ██                                                                       ██
  █▌                -   IONCUBE & ZEND ENCODED PHP FILES   -                 █▌
 █▌                                                                           █▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ ionCube and Zend Guard (Zend Encoder) are programs to encode PHP files so  ▐▌
 █ they aren't human readable. If you want to run PHP files that have been    ▐▌
 █ encoded using either you need to install the decoder 'Zend Optimizer' or   ▐▌
 █ now called 'Zend Guard' or the decoder IonCube Loader, so that a browser   ▐▌
 █ can load the encrypted PHP files correctly.                                ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ This tutorial is for Linux, Mac and Windows Xampp.                         ▐▌
 █ NOTES: When installing add-ons to Apache and PHP it's better to do it      ▐▌
 █ manually as some of the included installers/scripts will remove custom     ▐▌
 █ settings. If upgrading Apache and or PHP via package manager such as       ▐▌
 █ aptitude or agtget to prevent your own settings being overwritten always   ▐▌
 █ select the option to keep 'local configuration files' then you can edit    ▐▌
 █ in, if needed, changes manually.                                           ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ If you aren't familiar with command lines ending with: \ Read HERE:        ▐▌
 █ Do NOT add a space at the end of the \ or the cmd won't work.              ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █                          ___________..___________                          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ ZEND ENCODED FILES                                                         ▐▌
 █   ZEND ERRORS                                                              ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ IONCUBE ENCODED FILES                                                      ▐▌
 █   IONCUBE ERRORS                                                           ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ DECRYPT ZEND OR IONCUBE ENCODED FILES - WINDOWS                            ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █                          ___________..___________                          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ ZEND ENCODED FILES:                                                        ▐▌
 █ ```````````````````                                                        ▐▌
 █ PREREQUISITES:                                                             ▐▌
 █  PHP 4.0.5 or higher                                                       ▐▌
 █  Zend Optimizer                                                            ▐▌
 █  Root / admin access to install Zend Optimizer                             ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ INSTALL ZEND OPTIMIZER:                                                    ▐▌
 █ 1. Use 'phpinfo()' to verify your version of PHP and if 'Zend Optimizer'   ▐▌
 █    is already available on your server. PHP version will be listed at the  ▐▌
 █    top. If you have PHP v4.0.5 - v5.2 search for 'Zend Optimizer'. PHP     ▐▌
 █    v5.3 + search for 'Zend Guard Loader': (Optimizer is for PHP 5.2 and    ▐▌
 █    earlier. Guard Loader is for PHP v5.3+)                                 ▐▌
  PHP Version
  Zend Engine
  Zend Engine
   Or if PHP v4 - 5.2 :

  Zend Optimizer
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Or if you are doing this in your shell you could, but won't be as detailed ▐▌
 █ nor help if you are having problems with it:                               ▐▌
 █ php -v                                                                     ▐▌
 █ My output on Debian:                                                       ▐▌
 █ PHP 5.3.3-7+squeeze15 with Suhosin-Patch (cli)(built: Mar  4 2013 14:05:25)▐▌
 █ Copyright (c) 1997-2009 The PHP Group                                      ▐▌
 █ Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies              ▐▌
 █ with Suhosin v0.9.32.1, Copyright (c) 2007-2010, by SektionEins GmbH       ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 2. If it is listed but not working, continue to verify the install and     ▐▌
 █    version is correct.                                                     ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ If 'Zend Optimizer' or 'Zend Guard Loader' isn't listed then:              ▐▌
 █    a. Check their site for the latest and correct version for your OS      ▐▌
 █    HERE*; click the tab for your OS.                                       ▐▌
 █    *They require you to register to download the files so:                 ▐▌
 █    You can use bogus registration info; no need to confirm the e-mail      ▐▌
 █ Or                                                                         ▐▌
 █    HERE is a list of the direct download links.                            ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 3. If doing this on your shell, edit to match your download, for example:  ▐▌
 █ wget xvzf ZendGuardLoader-php-5.3-linux-glibc23-i386.tar.gz                 ▐▌
 █ su                                                                         ▐▌
 █ ls /usr/local/lib/                                                         ▐▌
 █ If you don't have a Zend directory make one:                               ▐▌
 █ mkdir /usr/local/lib/Zend                                                  ▐▌
cp ZendGuardLoader-php-5.3-linux-glibc23-i386/php-5.3.x/ \
 █ Or if you are still using PHP 5.2 and ealier:                              ▐▌
cp ZendOptimizer-3.3.9-linux-glibc23-i386/data/5_2_x_comp/ \
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ If you aren't working in the shell the above just means download the       ▐▌
 █ file, extract the contents then copy '', or Windows is   ▐▌
 █ 'ZendExtensionManager.dll', to the location you require for the Zend       ▐▌
 █ files.                                                                     ▐▌
 █ Windows Xampp users: xampp\php\zendOptimizer\lib\ZendExtensionManager.dll  ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Edit your php.ini to reflect the path of the file and save the changes:    ▐▌
 █ pico /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini                                             ▐▌
 █ Windows Xampp it is here: xampp\php\php.ini                                ▐▌
 █ Linux and Mac PHP v5.2 and ealier -                                        ▐▌
 █ At the top of the file after '[PHP]' add this:                             ▐▌
 █ zend_extension=/usr/local/lib/Zend/                        ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Linux and Mac PHP v5.3+:                                                   ▐▌
 █ zend_extension=/usr/local/lib/Zend/                      ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Either version of PHP also add these lines:                                ▐▌
 █ zend_optimizer.optimization_level=15                                       ▐▌
 █ zend_loader.enable=1                                                       ▐▌
 █ zend_loader.disable_licensing=0                                            ▐▌
 █ zend_loader.obfuscation_level_support=3                                    ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Windows Xampp users search for '[Zend]' about line 1262:                   ▐▌
 █ [Zend]                                                                     ▐▌
 █ zend_extension_ts = "D:\xampp\php\zendOptimizer\lib\ZendExtensionManager.dll"
 █ zend_extension_manager.optimizer_ts = "D:\xampp\php\zendOptimizer\lib\Optimizer"
 █ zend_optimizer.enable_loader = 1                                           ▐▌
 █ zend_optimizer.optimization_level=15                                       ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Note: 'zend_optimizer.enable_loader = 1' 1 is to enable the loader.        ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Or if you are still using PHP 5.2 and ealier:                              ▐▌
cp ZendOptimizer-3.3.9-linux-glibc23-i386/data/5_2_x_comp/ \
/usr/local/lib/Zend/ZendOptimizer.sopico /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini                                             ▐▌
 █ Add these two lines at the top:                                            ▐▌
 █ [PHP]                                                                      ▐▌
 █ zend_extension=/usr/local/lib/Zend/                        ▐▌
 █ zend_optimizer.optimization_level=15                                       ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ If using PHP v4.x then search search for:                                  ▐▌
 █ ;Enable compatibility mode with Zend Engine 1 (PHP 4.x)                    ▐▌
 █ zend.ze1_compatibility_mode = Off                                          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Change Off to On to enable it.                                             ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 5. Restart your apache server                                              ▐▌
 █ /etc/init.d/apache2 restart                                                ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ View your phpnfo.php again, if all worked where it has:                    ▐▌
 █ This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine:              ▐▌
 █ Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Zend Technologies              ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ It will now have below that:                                               ▐▌
 █ with Zend Optimizer v3.3, Copyright (c) 1998-2010, by Zend Technologies    ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ And it will now have a new column heading (lower down) 'Zend Optimizer' or ▐▌
 █ 'Zend Guard Loader' as in the images above. If it's there, you are done :) ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Once you are finished don't forget to delete your test phpinfo() page.     ▐▌
 █ Log out of root:                                                           ▐▌
 █ exit                                                                       ▐▌
 █ Clean up:                                                                  ▐▌
 █ rm ZendOptimizer-3.3.9-linux-glibc23-i386 -rf                              ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ ZEND ERRORS:                                                               ▐▌
 █ This error will happen after an upgrade of your PHP. It means that you     ▐▌
 █ need to upgrade Zend Optimizer/Guard Loader to a compatible version of     ▐▌
 █ your PHP:                                                                  ▐▌
 █ Cron <root@yourdomain> [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] &&                 ▐▌
 █ [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && find /var/lib/php5/ -type f -cmin                  ▐▌
 █ +$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) -delete                                      ▐▌
 █ Zend Optimizer requires Zend Engine API version 220060519.                 ▐▌
 █ The Zend Engine API version 220090626 which is installed, is newer.        ▐▌
 █ Contact Zend Technologies at for a later version of   ▐▌
 █ Zend Optimizer.                                                            ▐▌
 █ Or the error will state Loader:                                            ▐▌
 █ Zend Guard Loader requires Zend Engine API version 220090626.              ▐▌
 █ The Zend Engine API version 220100525 which is installed, is newer.        ▐▌
 █ It will also be stated repeatedly in your logs:                            ▐▌
 █ tail -50 /var/log/apache2/error.log                                        ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Just do as above when you first installed it, for example:                 ▐▌
 █ PHP version: php -v                                                        ▐▌
 █ Output: PHP 5.4.4-14+deb7u5 [snip]                                         ▐▌
 █ Go to their site as stated above, download correct version for your php.   ▐▌
 █ wget xvzf ZendGuardLoader-70429-PHP-5.4-linux-glibc23-i386.tar.gz           ▐▌
 █ su                                                                         ▐▌
 █ ls -al /usr/local/lib/Zend                                                 ▐▌
 █ mv /usr/local/lib/Zend/ /usr/local/lib/Zend/ /ZendGuardLoader-70429-PHP-5.4-linux-glibc23-i386/cd php-5.4.x          ▐▌
 █ cp /usr/local/lib/Zend/               ▐▌
 █ /etc/init.d/apache2 restart                                                ▐▌
 █ tail -50 /var/log/apache2/error.log                                        ▐▌
 █ View your phpnfo.php again to view it as demonstrated in the above images. ▐▌
 █ exit                                                                       ▐▌
 █ Clean up:                                                                  ▐▌
 █ cd ~ && rm ZendGuardLoader-70429-PHP-5.4-linux-glibc23-i386 -rf            ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Tip: To view all extensions PHP is listed to load:                         ▐▌
 █ grep -Hrv ";" /etc/php5 | grep -i "extension="                             ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █                          ___________..___________                          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ IONCUBE ENCODED FILES:                                                     ▐▌
 █ ``````````````````````                                                     ▐▌
 █ PREREQUISITES:                                                             ▐▌
 █ PHP 4.0.5 or higher                                                        ▐▌
 █ ionCube Loader                                                             ▐▌
 █ Root / admin access to install ionCube Loader                              ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ INSTALL IONCUBE LOADER:                                                    ▐▌
 █ 1. Use 'phpinfo()' to verify your version of PHP and if 'ionCube' is       ▐▌
 █    already available on your server. PHP version will be listed at the top:▐▌
  Zend Engine
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 2. Check for the latest and correct version for your OS HERE.  ▐▌
 █    If doing this for Windows "Non-TS' means Thread Safety is disabled. To  ▐▌
 █    know if you require TS or Non-Ts view on your phpinfo page under        ▐▌
 █    "Thread Safety". It will state either enabled or disabled.              ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ If doing this on your shell, edit to match your download, for example:     ▐▌
 █ wget xvfz ioncube_loaders_lin_x86.tar.gz                                    ▐▌
 █ su                                                                         ▐▌
 █ mkdir /usr/local/lib/ioncube                                               ▐▌
 █ Depending on what version is your PHP will be what version of the loader   ▐▌
 █ you will use. List the files in ioncube directory:                         ▐▌
 █ ls ioncube                                                                 ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ So for example if you have PHP 5.3.3 you would use                         ▐▌
 █  Windows: ioncube_loader_win_5.3.dll            ▐▌
 █ cp ioncube/ /usr/local/lib/ioncube/
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ If you aren't working in the shell the above just means download the       ▐▌
 █ file, extract the contents, create the directory 'ioncube' then copy       ▐▌
 █ '', or Windows 'ioncube_loader_win_5.3.dll', to   ▐▌
 █ the location you required.                                                 ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Windows Xampp users: xampp\php\ioncbue\ioncube_loader_win_5.3.dll          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 3. Edit your php.ini to add the path to your ioncube_loader_*.so:          ▐▌
 █ pico /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini                                             ▐▌
 █ Windows Xampp it is here: xampp\php\php.ini                                ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Linux and Mac PHP:                                                         ▐▌
 █ Add the line at the beginning of the file after [PHP] and BEFORE any zend  ▐▌
 █ entries IF you have them (or the server won't load) like this:             ▐▌
 █ [PHP]                                                                      ▐▌
 █ zend_extension=/usr/local/lib/ioncube/            ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Since I have both Zend Optimizer and ionCube, mine is like this:           ▐▌
 █ [PHP]                                                                      ▐▌
 █ zend_extension=/usr/local/lib/ioncube/            ▐▌
 █ zend_extension=/usr/local/lib/Zend/                      ▐▌
 █ zend_optimizer.optimization_level=15                                       ▐▌
 █ zend_loader.enable=1                                                       ▐▌
 █ zend_loader.disable_licensing=0                                            ▐▌
 █ zend_loader.obfuscation_level_support=3                                    ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Windows Xampp, edit to your correct path, add the line at the beginning    ▐▌
 █ of the file after [PHP] and BEFORE any zend entries IF you have them (or   ▐▌
 █ the server won't load), for example:                                       ▐▌
 █ [PHP]                                                                      ▐▌
 █ zend_extension = "D:\xampp\php\ioncube\ioncube_loader_win_5.3.dll"         ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 4. Restart your apache server                                              ▐▌
 █ /etc/init.d/apache2 restart                                                ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ View your phpnfo() again for the entry 'ionCube Loader' as in the image    ▐▌
 █ above. If it's there, you are done :)                                      ▐▌
 █ Don't forget to delete your test phpinfo() page.                           ▐▌
 █ If you are having a problem you can use the included 'loader-wizard.php';  ▐▌
 █ copy to website root then open the page in a browser. After delete it:     ▐▌
  ioncube loader wizard
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Log out of root:                                                           ▐▌
 █ exit                                                                       ▐▌
 █ Clean up:                                                                  ▐▌
 █ rm ioncube -rf                                                             ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ IONCUBE ERRORS:                                                            ▐▌
 █ This error will happen after an upgrade of your PHP. It means that you     ▐▌
 █ need to upgrade ionCube to the compatible version of your PHP:             ▐▌
 █ Cron <root@yourdomain> [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] &&                 ▐▌
 █ [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && find /var/lib/php5/ -type f -cmin                  ▐▌
 █ +$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) -delete                                      ▐▌
 █ Cannot load the ionCube PHP Loader - it was built with configuration       ▐▌
 █ 2.2.0, whereas running engine is API220090626,NTS                          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Or in your logs: tail -50 /var/log/apache2/error.log                       ▐▌
 █ It will state:                                                             ▐▌
 █ Failed loading /usr/local/lib/ioncube/           ▐▌
 █ /usr/local/lib/ioncube/ undefined symbol:        ▐▌
 █ php_body_write                                                             ▐▌
 █ Do the original steps to install it; download correct version for your PHP ▐▌
 █ version, extract files, copy (or which ever one  ▐▌
 █ is correct version for your php) to the correct location, then edit your   ▐▌
 █ php.ini to the newer file name:                                            ▐▌
 █ pico /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini                                             ▐▌
 █ Had this:                                                                  ▐▌
 █ zend_extension=/usr/local/lib/ioncube/            ▐▌
 █ Changed to:                                                                ▐▌
 █ zend_extension=/usr/local/lib/ioncube/            ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ /etc/init.d/apache2 restart                                                ▐▌
 █ View your phpinfo again, it should be on it and no more errors in the log. ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █                          ___________..___________                          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ DECRYPT ZEND OR IONCUBE ENCODED FILES - WINDOWS:                           ▐▌
 █ ````````````````````````````````````````````````                           ▐▌
 █ If for example you have lost your source code for your own Zend or         ▐▌
 █ ionCube PHP files, there are a few ways to decrypt them to human readable  ▐▌
 █ format. Note that all the comments and white spaces will be removed on the ▐▌
 █ decrypted file but at least you will be able to recover a large portion of ▐▌
 █ you work.                                                                  ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ If you don't have a Zend Encoded file but want to try out the below        ▐▌
 █ methods, I have put one HERE for you to play with. There are also sample   ▐▌
 █ files included in the below for both PHP 4 & 5.                 ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ A) DEZEND:                                                                 ▐▌
 █ 1. For Zend encoded files download Dezend by The Necenzurat, which can be  ▐▌
 █ found HERE, 8.1MB (06/16/2008). Just in case that link goes     ▐▌
 █ dead I have put the same file HERE.                                        ▐▌
 █ SHA-160: 69579AB812D7A8C0BAFB584FEE5F09777DC63B2D                          ▐▌
 █ MD5: 2EDBD49FC217A0F1D1064D817AB350EA                                      ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Unzip to any directory.                                         ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 2. Determine if the your php file is PHP 4 or PHP 5 - open it in a text    ▐▌
 █ editor, such a Notepad:                                                    ▐▌
 █ If it is PHP 4, at the top it will have similar to:                        ▐▌
 █ <?php                                                                      ▐▌
 █       if (you see some php code)                                           ▐▌
 █ If it is PHP 5, at the top it will have similar to:                        ▐▌
 █ <?php @Zend;                                                               ▐▌
 █ 4244;                                                                      ▐▌
 █ ?>                                                                         ▐▌
 █ Or unreadable code.                                                        ▐▌
 █ If you aren't sure try both \dezend\dezend 4\ & \dezend\dezend 5\ as       ▐▌
 █ instructed below.                                                          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 3. For this example will say it's PHP 5. Copy your encrypted php file to:  ▐▌
 █ \dezend\dezend 5\                                                          ▐▌
 █ Drag and drop your encrypted php file over php.exe                         ▐▌
 █ Wait a second then you'll now see it created '' which is ▐▌
 █ the decrypted file.                                                        ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ If it didn't create a decrypted file for you, it might be because it is    ▐▌
 █ PHP 4. If that is the case then copy your encrypted php file to:           ▐▌
 █ \dezend\dezend 4\                                                          ▐▌
 █ Drag and drop your encrypted php file over php.exe                         ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ NOTES:                                                                     ▐▌
 █ 1. Do not make any changes to your php file, including the comments, or    ▐▌
 █ decrypting will not work.                                                  ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 2. You can also use dezend via cmd line which is useful to view errors:    ▐▌
 █ Copy the zend encoded php files you want decrypted to \dezend\dezend 5\    ▐▌
 █ Open a cmd prompt window; logo key +r, type in cmd, press OK               ▐▌
 █ change to the directory you have the dezend php.exe in:                    ▐▌
 █ cd C:\dezend\dezend 5\                                                     ▐▌
 █ Then run the cmd, changing testdecrypt.php to the name of your file:       ▐▌
 █ php.exe testdecrypt.php                                                    ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ If for instance you you try to decrypt a PHP 5 file using \dezend\dezend   ▐▌
 █ 4\php.exe                                                                  ▐▌
 █ You'll receive an error similar to:                                        ▐▌
 █ PHP Fatal error:  Incompatible file format:  The encoded file has format   ▐▌
 █ major ID 2, whereas the Optimizer expects 1;  The encoded file was         ▐▌
 █ probably encoded by the Zend Guard for PHP 5 (zendenc5), and therefore     ▐▌
 █ cannot be run on PHP 4 in C:\dezend\dezend\dezend 4\testdecrypt.php        ▐▌
 █ .php on line 0 Content-type: text/html X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.0             ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 3. If you have many files to decrypt and don't want to drag and drop;      ▐▌
 █ write a batch / .bat file for it.                                          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 4. I've read that you need to have Zend Optimizer (which needs a           ▐▌
 █ Web-Server) installed for this to work- I didn't have either installed and ▐▌
 █ it worked just fine :)                                                     ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ HERE. Press the browse button, upload your file, type in the captcha code, ▐▌
 █ press 'Show My Code'.                                                      ▐▌
 █ It worked great for my file.                                               ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ C) PAY FOR THE SERVICE:                                                    ▐▌
 █ Another last option are sites that you pay for the service to decrypt a    ▐▌
 █ variety of different encrypted PHP files. I'm not going to list them;      ▐▌
 █ search Google if you want.                                                 ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ //----------------------------------------------------------------------   ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ If you find mistakes, have suggestions, and or questions please post at    ▐▌
 █ mewbies forum HERE - thank you.                                            ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Last update on 18 Nov '13                                                  ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █▌                                                                           █▌
  █▌                          -   -                            █▌
   █▌                                                                       █▌